Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, University in Novi Sad
2023, vol. LVII, No. 4, pp. 1223-1239
language of the paper: Serbian
Original scientific paper
udk: 343.232:343.271]:633.71
Ivan Milić
University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Law Novi Sad
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7916-5590
Persons committing misdemeanors pursuant to the Tobacco Law are prosecuted pursuant to a misdemeanor notice. Should such person be found responsible in the ensuing procedure, the misdemeanor court may sentence him to the most severe fine foreseen in the Misdemeanor Law, as well as in the Tobacco Law. Apart from prescribing misdemeanors, the Tobacco Law also contains other provisions of importance for material and procedural misdemeanor law, as well as the enforcement of misdemeanor law. The subject of this paper are exactly these specific misdemeanor provisions from the Tobacco Law.
Misdemeanor Law, Tobacco Law, crime, misdemeanor, fine.