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Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad

2017, vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 485–496

Language of the paper: Serbian

Overview paper

udk: 341.485-058.6(497.11)“1941/1945“

doi: 10.5937/zrpfns51-14321


Bojan Đokić, Se­ni­or Re­se­arch Fel­low

Mu­se­um of Ge­no­ci­de Vic­tims, Bel­gra­de



Mu­se­um of Ge­no­ci­de Vic­tims in Bel­gra­de en­ga­ged in the col­lection, pro­ces­sing and sto­ra­ge of da­ta on in­di­vi­dual and gro­up vic­tims of cri­mes of ge­no­ci­de and ot­her facts, the struc­tu­re of the cri­me of ge­no­ci­de, of­fi­cial do­cuments, lists of vic­tims, te­sti­mony, mu­se­um ex­hi­bits, pho­tos, films, vi­deo and so­und re­cor­dings, bo­oks, me­di­cal and ot­her do­cu­men­ta­tion, in­for­ma­tion re­le­vant to the de­ter­mi­na­tion of the or­ga­ni­zers, the per­pe­tra­tors, com­man­ders and ac­com­pli­ces re­spon­si­ble for cri­mes of ge­no­ci­de that we­re car­ried out, de­ta­ils of the re­scu­ers of vic­tims of ge­no­ci­de, and so on. Mu­se­um of Ge­no­ci­de Vic­tims has a da­ta­ba­se cal­led „Vic­tims of War 1941-1945.“, which was ba­sed on the list of vic­tims du­ring the Se­cond World War in Yugo­sla­via, which be­gan in 1964, and who­se re­vi­si­ons and ad­di­ti­ons we­re la­un­ched in 1995. Da­ta­ba­se „Vic­tims of War 1941-1945.“ currently holds da­ta for abo­ut 660,000 per­sons of dif­fe­rent na­ti­o­na­li­ti­es, from abo­ut 1.1 mil­lion vic­tims how much it is esti­ma­ted that the­re we­re real hu­man los­ses in Yugo­sla­via du­ring World War II. Le­gal re­gu­la­ti­ons of the Re­pu­blic of Ser­bia do not al­low pu­blic di­sclo­su­re of the da­ta­ba­se via the In­ter­net, such as for exam­ple the ca­se with the cen­tral da­ta­ba­se of na­mes of vic­tims of the Ho­lo­ca­ust Me­mo­rial Cen­ter Yad Vas­hem in Israel. Le­gal re­gu­la­ti­ons of the Re­pu­blic of Ser­bia and lo­gic and il­lo­gi­ca­lity re­gar­ding the pu­blic di­sclo­su­re of the da­ta­ba­se „Vic­tims of War 1941-1945.“ on the in­ter­net are the fo­cus of our in­te­rest.


o­lo­ca­ust, ge­no­ci­de, da­ta­ba­se „War vic­tims 1941-1945.“, Yugosla­via, Re­pu­blic of Ser­bia.