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Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad

2017, vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 449–464

Language of the paper: Serbian

Overview paper

udk: 347.27(37)

doi: 10.5937/zrpfns51-15035


Milan Milutin, Assistant

University of Novi Sad

Faculty of Law Novi Sad



Рig­no­ris ca­pio used to exist sin­ce the ear­li­est ti­mes of Ro­man history un­til its end. In terms of its pri­mor­dial form, which con­si­sted of cre­di­tor’s act of ta­king deb­tor’s thing in pled­ge un­til the re­payment of the debt and pro­noun­cing cer­tain so­lemn words, the most sig­ni­fi­cant so­u­r­ce are the In­sti­tu­tes of Ga­i­us. Ga­i­us clas­si­fied pig­no­ris ca­pio in­to le­gi­sac­ti­os. Ho­we­ver, this clas­si­fi­cation ra­i­sed con­tro­ver­si­es which we ad­dres­sed, re­ac­hing ne­vert­he­less the an­swer which sup­ports Ga­i­us’s cla­im. Ga­i­us tells us that pig­no­ris ca­pio was so­me­ti­mes used ba­sed on cu­stoms, whi­le so­me­ti­mes ba­sed on the laws. In terms the ap­pli­cation of pig­no­ris ca­pio ba­sed on cu­stoms, we at­temp­ted to an­swer the qu­e­sti­on of whet­her pig­no­ris ca­pio ca­me in­to be­ing even be­fo­re the in­tro­duc­tion of le­gi­sacti­os. In re­la­tion to aes mi­li­ta­re, the an­swer is ne­ga­ti­ve, be­ca­u­se the ap­pli­ca­tion of pig­no­ris ca­pio for its se­cu­ri­ti­za­tion did not sta­rt be­fo­re 406 BC, it la­sted whi­le sa­la­ri­es for sol­di­ers we­re paid by tri­bu­nus ae­ra­ri­us, aga­inst whom pig­no­ris ca­pio co­uld only ha­ve been used, and it ce­a­sed to exist when this duty was ta­ken upon by qu­a­e­stor. Con­trary to that, in re­fe­ren­ce to aes ho­ri­di­a­ri­um, the an­swer is probably po­si­ti­ve, and pig­no­ris ca­pio for its se­cu­ri­tu­za­tion was used aga­inst wi­dows and ce­a­sed to exist with the ex­tin­cti­on of aes hor­di­a­ri­um (pro­bably in 342 BC). In re­la­tion to aes equ­e­stre, if pig­no­ris ca­pio for its se­cu­ru­ti­za­tion even exi­sted, the an­swer is po­si­ti­ve as well. Ho­we­ver, this right di­sap­pe­a­red when, in­stead of a hor­se, mo­ney from the sta­te tre­a­sury was gi­ven for the pur­po­ses of supplying a knight with a hor­se. Whi­le all the sol­di­ers had the right to aes mi­li­ta­re, the right to aes equ­e­stre and aes hor­di­a­ri­um was the pri­vi­led­ge of equ­i­tes equo pu­bli­co. In terms of the ap­pli­ca­tion of pig­no­ris ca­pio ba­sed on the law, we al­so analyzed ti­me re­fe­ren­ces of its du­ra­tion, type(s) of laws with which it co­uld ha­ve been re­gu­la­ted, rights of cre­di­tors and deb­tors re­la­ted to the pled­ged thing and con­di­ti­ons un­der which it co­uld ha­ve exi­sted.


pig­no­ris ca­pio, pled­ge, pig­nus,real exe­cu­ti­on, cla­im se­cu­ri­ti­za­tion.