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Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad

2017, vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 543–553

Language of the paper: Serbian

Overview paper

udk: 336.763:347.27(497.11)

doi: 10.5937/zrpfns51-14473


Nikola Krstić, Ph. D. Stu­dent

Uni­ver­sity of No­vi Sad

Fa­culty of Law No­vi Sad



Dept se­cu­ri­ti­sa­tion is a pro­ce­du­re of con­ver­ting non li­qu­id bank as­sets in­to li­qu­id by se­cu­ri­ti­es pla­ce­ment at ca­pi­tal mar­ket. Su­bject of this pa­per is on ba­lan­ce se­cu­ri­ti­sa­tion and qu­e­sti­on is it pos­si­ble to con­duct emis­sion of bonds co­ve­red by pled­ge on bank cla­ims, sin­ce it is pos­si­ble to is­sue cor­po­ra­te bonds. Emis­sion of this kind of bonds wo­uld ena­ble is­su­er to col­lect che­ep ca­pi­tal, whi­le he wo­uld emit high qu­a­lity dept bonds with low in­te­rest ra­te. The pa­per in­di­ca­tes the pro­blems which fol­low this kind of emis­sion and gi­ves an­swer to the qu­e­sti­on which is the pre­con­di­ti­ons for it to be ena­bled in our le­gal system.


Dept se­cu­ri­ti­sa­tion; on-ba­lan­ce se­cu­ri­ti­sa­tion; co­ve­red bonds; ca­pi­tal mar­ket; right of pled­ge.