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Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad

2017, vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 589–601

Language of the paper: Serbian

Original scientific paper

udk: 341.645:341.485

doi: 10.5937/zrpfns51-14587


Danilo Babić, Ph. D. Stu­dent

Uni­ver­sity of Bel­gra­de

Fa­culty of Po­li­ti­cal Sci­en­ces



This work analyzes the work of In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Cri­mi­nal Co­u­rt focu­sing on al­le­ged Dar­fur ge­no­ci­de. We are trying to re­as­sess al­le­ga­ti­ons of Afri­can pu­blic which cla­im that ICC is bi­as­sed to­wards Afri­ca, se­lec­ti­ve and im­ple­men­ting do­u­ble stan­dards. Furt­her mo­re they cla­im that the Co­urt is, in fact, an in­stru­ment of new We­stern im­pe­ri­a­lism. The key mo­ment which ha­ve bro­ken the ICC-Afri­ca re­la­ti­on­ship beyond re­pa­ir is ar­rest war­rant for Su­dan pre­si­dent Omar Al Bas­hir. We are qu­e­sti­o­ning the le­ga­lity and le­gi­ti­macy of that war­rant. Моreover, in or­der to pro­ve or deny the ob­jec­ti­vity of the co­u­rt we are ana­li­zing the fi­nan­cing of the ICC and its re­la­ti­on­ship with the NGO sec­tor. We exa­mi­ne the ef­fects of the co­urt de­ci­si­ons on the pe­a­ce and re­con­ci­li­a­tion in the re­gion.


Dar­fur, ICC, Su­dan, ge­no­ci­de, Al-Bas­hir.