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Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad

2018, vol. LII, No. 3, pp. 1241–1251

Language of the paper: Serbian

Original scientific paper

udk: 271(497.11)“14“(093)

doi: 10.5937/zrpfns52-19913


Srboljub Ubiparipović, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

University of Belgrade

Faculty of Orthodox Theology



The Second foundation charter of Monastery Castamonit granted by medieval Serbian count palatine Radič, belongs to the documents which are one of the few juridical sources to survive in significant quantities for the entire medieval period. It consists of the regulations which are created by careful usage of the words. Some of them should be recognized as the liturgical elements and they express the aspects of worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church. This study had identified their historical origins and appropriate liturgical usage, and also had pointed out the relevant theological interpretation.


Count palatine Radič, founder, charter, monastery, anamnesys, worship.